Happy Monday March 5, 2012

Happy Monday Y'all !!
It is a gorgeous day here in SI ... The sun is shining and the temps. are not to bad .. I am so proud of my self today.. I didn't go back to sleep after taking Kyle to school .. I didn't feel the urge to crawl back in bed.. Yay Me! Those B12/B6 shot I got is still working .. The energy is still here.. I get a shot once a week ... They may burn but so worth it if it keeps my energy up and I can accomplish daily task. I have had breakfast and dishes are done. Been catching up on my You tube vids.. And I am making out a list of things that need done today and a grocery list. Oi vey I hate that job going to the store for groceries. Seems I buy to much.. But don't we all . I have to cut out my coupons before I go and get my adds to know were to go for my best deals. That in it's self is a chore. The Sunday paper had 3 coupons booklets this week so it is a good week. Sometimes they don't have squat. I am also going to go thur and purge some craft stuff that I haven't used and box it up and give it to a couple of my U Tube friends! I hope they will enjoy it.. Well I need to shove off and get started on my things since I am off today from work . TTYL

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